This is a place for discussions of history and historic preservation of old downtown Tucson and the five Historic Preservation Zones. I will publish articles here when it seems helpful. Useful material from others is welcome. Readers are invited to comment on posts regarding reasonable historic preservation, better understanding of our history and to serve the interests of old downtown Tucson residents. You may be invited to post here also; please let me know if you want to do so. Much of the research and descriptive text have been obtained with Perplexity AI. Feedback on incorrect information or site malfunctions will be very helpful.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Research Tools: Tucson Directories

Even before the telephone came to Tucson, directories of businesses and residents were published. This first image is from the 1901 directory, page 66. It shows that a person named F B French lived at 637 S 4th Avenue, my house. If you are scrolling through the PDF copy of the directory, it will show as page 89 because of the un-numbered pages which are counted by my PDF software. If you scroll through to page 109 of the pdf, you will find another name, O H J Johnson, associated with the same address. This is page 86 of the paper directory. Paper copies of the directories can be found at the historic society but they are in resident name order so finding a particular address is very difficult. 

Here is a sample page of the 1901 directory. This link will let you see all pages of the directory: 

Your browser or other software may allow you to search for and view the resident in 1901 of your property. 

This page of the 1928 directory shows that W W Malone lived at 637 S 4th Avenue. 

With the right tools, this research was not too difficult. My main challenge was learning to use the tools effectively. If you try to search for your street number in a directory and get stuck, I may be able to help ( 

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