This is a place for discussions of history and historic preservation of old downtown Tucson and the five Historic Preservation Zones. I will publish articles here when it seems helpful. Useful material from others is welcome. Readers are invited to comment on posts regarding reasonable historic preservation, better understanding of our history and to serve the interests of old downtown Tucson residents. You may be invited to post here also; please let me know if you want to do so. Much of the research and descriptive text have been obtained with Perplexity AI. Feedback on incorrect information or site malfunctions will be very helpful.

Agent & Buyer Information

Most areas within the five neighborhoods included in this site are in City of Tucson Historic Preservation Zones. All exterior changes to existing structures and new construction must go through a historic review process. The process protects the historic character of the neighborhood but it is also time consuming and imposes extra expenses.  If an agent fails to inform a prospective buyer of this, an unhappy buyer may be the least serious negative outcome. A buyer who suffers financial losses due to thwarted construction or remodeling plans might seek legal recourse to recover those losses from the agent or brokerage. 

Please inform your buyers of the historic zone restrictions and you might also refer to pages in this blog for more information. Also, Here are links to two documents with additional information specific to Armory Park:

Other neighborhoods have their own advisory boards and standards on which their judgments are made.
Each neighborhood has its own period of significance and its original character. You can learn more by goingg
to the City of Tucson Historical Preservation Office Website. At the top of the main page you will see
Historic and Special District Application Process which will give you information you should have up front. 


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